Prior to identifying a Wikipedia visibility agency, you have probably attempted to manage your Wikipedia visibility personally or with a PR agency, and discovered that Wikipedia is a very challenging platform. Wikipedia rules are complex, vague and contradictory; the editorial discussions require a lot of patience; the encyclopedic style of Wikipedia is remarkably different from anything PR, advertising and marketing professionals are accustomed to and the outcome of crowd-writing may be quite unpredictable for novice Wikipedia editors. Wikipedia’s unique anti-commerce / unpaid-labor culture further compounds these challenges.
Anybody can change your Wikipedia profile. That’s why you should monitor the articles that relate to your brand and products. WikiExperts handles this task for you, protecting your online reputation.
Since its founding in 2010, WikiExperts has assisted many major corporations, executives, NGOs, celebrities, politicians and other clients, in full compliance with applicable laws and Wikipedia content policies, simultaneously making Wikipedia more valuable to its users.
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